Sunday, May 17, 2020

Analysis of Greek Tragedy Using the Aristotilean Model Essay

Greek tragedies, written in ancient times, are still a standard for tragedies written today. Contrary to diminishing in value over time, these tragedies have become cherished pieces of work in the sophisticated literate culture of today. However, one can not delve into these precious works of beautiful literary verse without first having background knowledge of the context they were written, and of the structure they follow. There are several terms, as well as an analysis of tragedies by Aristotle, a philosopher who experienced them firsthand. By knowing the structural basis of tragic works before reading them, one is able to better understand them and appreciate them more fully for the prized trophies of classic literature they are.†¦show more content†¦He also added background scenery. Also in development came the tone of seriousness, and the changing in rhythm to that more closely related to regular conversation speech. Aristotle, along with the history of tragedies, included an analysis of the subjects. He states the tragedy always deals with lofty subjects, characters greater than ourselves. They accomplish this all in a grand style of verse. The events in tragedies also generally all take place in a single day, regardless of how long they took in real life. All the previous descriptions of tragedy fall under the seven parts of tragedy Aristotle describes. First of all, tragedy involves mimesis, that is, it is imitation of real events. This gives credibility to the work and helps captivate the audience. Secondly, it is serious. This helps distinguish it from comedy. Tragedies also include action that is complete and with magnitude. Language in tragedies utilizes of rhythm and harmony. The rhythm and harmony should not be used throughout, however i.e. some bits are spoken while others are sung. Tragedies should be performed, not narrated, which is the context in which one must read and understand them. Finally, a tragedy should arouse emotions of pity and fear, while accomplishing catharsis, a purification or purging of these emotions. Structurally, Aristotle lists six component parts of which all tragedies must consist, and nothing else. These include the spectacle, which is the overall

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